Most people do not consider being abused unless it is physical or sexual, but there does not need to be onle verbal, physiacal, or sexual abuse. These types are easier to spot, and should result in both parties getting professional help, but there is more ways to control another person or to be controlled.
There is another kind of abuse that can happen but id ofeten ignored because no physical harm is involved. Financial Abuse, aka Economic Abuse, or Economic Domination.
This type of abuse is often placed on a back burner behind the more aggressive abuses, but can still be just as emotionally devestating.
Signs of Economic Abuse
* Telling one partner to quit their job, and stay home to take care of the kids, or to be a homemaker.
(Though this can be a sign, it is not always a case of abuse. Obviously I stay home, but no one is trying to control me. If you are demanded to quit your job, rather than discussed it and came up with this answer as something better for the family, it can just be normal!)
*Confiscating a partners assets and other financial resources and FORBIDDING that person from handling money or making any money that the abuser does not approve.
*Using the partners financial assets to their own advantage and depriving the abused their rights to enjoy financially and rightfully theirs.
*Taking away all credit cards or debit cards and providing ONLY a sufficient amount of money to pay for the day-to-day expenses. (Or less)
This abuse could still happen when both parties work and the abuser takes control of ALL money and does not give the abused an oppurtunity to make any financial decisions.
Remember being abused in NOTHING to be ashamed of and you can get help. If you or someone you know is being abused or need help because they can't stop abusing please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE(7233) or TTY 1−800−787−3224.
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