Thursday, July 26, 2012

buying houses boldly

              We have been learning about being BOLD at church this last month. Through this series we have been studying the books of Acts. And this past Sunday we learned about BOLDly obeying God. A few days before the service, our Pastor, PS, had called and asked me to email him a few testimonies on our obedience. After discussing what he had in mind, he finally gave me free reign to write what I thought was god, and however many I thought necessary. (Bad move on his part, once I get going, I may never stop! Bwa ha ha!) 
              Anyway, I had sent him four or five storied of my acts of obedience, and what they had done for us. He had chosen two, and along with a few other people's testimonies read them aloud during the service. (If you would like to here it the service and the other testimonies please feel free to click on this link: )
              One of the stories I had sent seemed to me to be the biggest one. I thought for sure it would have been used. I thought that it would help so many others in seeing how great God and faithful God is. Looking at it now, I realize that I felt so strongly about that testimony because it was very hard for me to obey and trust. And though it may not have been what PS wanted, or needed, I thought maybe I should share it with you.
              A few months ago, Husband and I began looking at houses. When we first started, I thought we would just look at a few, and then stop, just like we have done so  many times before. But after about seven houses I started to realize Husband was serious. We looked at a dozen or so houses before we fell in love.  This house was beautiful, brick, six bedroom home with plenty of room to spare. Mom could live with us, and I could have an office. It came with a garage, (the only thing Husband seemed to really want) and it was in our price range. It needed some work, and the yard definitely left something to be desired, but the four of us were in love. And we went home to pray about it. Husband and I prayed together, and we prayed as a family, and then I prayed on my home. I knew that it was only by God's grace that we were even able to buy a house at this point in our lives, and I wanted to make sure it was His will that we bought THIS one.
          I prayed long and hard, and asked that he let me know if this was the one and if we should move on it. I opened my bible to read for the night, and when I did my eyes landed on John 4:16 "Go and get your husband," Jesus told her.  "Ha, ha God, that is really funny" I said out loud, "but seriously, I need an answer." so I closed my bible, prayed once more and opened it again. This time I even tried to manipulate it, to make sure I wasn't any where close to that verse again, but sure enough, that;s where I opened it again, I remember thinking that maybe he just wanted me to wait for Husband and we could pray together, so I did, but every time we did, I heard nothing, I felt nothing.
            So Husband said he was positive that God wanted us to have this house, and the next day we put it our bid. Sitting at the realtor's office, I remember having a panic attack. I felt wrong, and wanted to get out of there. I kept telling Husband that we shouldn't be doing this, and I didn't think it was right. I didn't hear anything from God, and he kept assuring me that he heard clearly that we should be doing this. In the midst of my panic there was this moment when my silent battle with God had just stopped. I threw up my hands and said, "Fine God, I 'll let him do this, but I am trusting YOU that you will make it right. If he isn't doing what he is supposed to be, if he hasn't been praying or hearing you, then you need to make sure this doesn't go through." and then in my most threatening tone, I said, "I AM TRUSTING YOU!" Looking back I realize how ridiculous it was to threaten God, but I did let go of my control of that situation, and let God and Husband handle it. The next day we learned that we could not get the house, because it was bank owned and they wanted cash.
              There was a small part of me that was sad. I really did want it to be the house, and I was hoping that it was God's plan, no matter how I felt it wasn't. But there was a much bigger part of me that was relieved, and I knew that God had stuck to His end of the bargain.
             And the hunt continued. We had looked at least twenty more houses before Husband was in love again. This house was a smaller three bedroom, no room for Mom, no room for an office, barely bigger than what we were already living in. It did have a swimming pool  and over an acre of a semi private yard. Oh yes, and the most important thing, according to most men, a garage. When we went home from looking at the house Husband went on and on how he knew that was the house. He felt it as soon as we went in. We are going to grow old there.I just know it... blah, blah, blah... I however, did not feel that way, so I prayed. I prayed hard, and asked God for a sign. Is this the house? If it is I will be gracious, and I will love it and care for it, and I wouldn't fight. I just needed to know that it was what God had for us. I opened my bible to read once again, and the very first verse I read was, Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. Awesome! I didn't second guess it this time. I knew he was talking to me, and I knew that meant that I was to stay out of it.
           Husband scheduled another viewing of the house. Mom came, and showed that she wasn't impressed, and Husband had decided to move forward. I was anything but thrilled, but I let Husband decide. The bid was accepted immediately and the process began. I stayed out of all of it. Husband took care of all the details, and I packed. I got a lot of ridicule from my friends for letting husband handle it. Even a Christian friend of mine made her opinion of my insanity known. "Isn't that a decision you and Husband should make together?" And I would always reply that God was clear and wanted me to stay out of it. It was hard. I will say that. When people keep saying you're crazy, when you don't even particularly like the house, when things go wrong, and when your husband can't even take charge on where you are going to eat, it tends to make things a little more difficult. I mean, we weren't even sure that we had the house until the day before closing. But I knew that if this was the house God really wanted for us, then eventually I would be happy. I would fall in love, and the house would be a dwelling for Jesus, where my kids would grow up learning to love and forgive like him, where I would grow old being proud of who they have become, being proud of who Husband and I have become. I had faith in God, and I knew that if it was His will, it would be great!
             And then when it actually came to closing, I stayed home, and let Husband do the work. We obliviously bought the house. We have been living in it for almost three months. I am not only in love with the house, for the most part, but I am falling in love with Husband all over again. Letting him make such a big decision without my help, seemed to change the dynamic of our family. Even though Husband put me in the role of leader in our house, I couldn't expect him to step up, if I never stepped down long enough to give him a chance. I learned a lot about Husband, and the man he could be. Things are much different on our family now, we have more communication skills with each other, and he seems to have more confidence. I am so glad that I listened to God, that I BOLDly obeyed, even though I was ridiculed by some of the people closest to me. I didn't let them or Satan change my mind or make me think I was doing something wrong. I stuck with God. I listened for His voice, and took comfort in knowing I was doing His will. I expected that everything would be alright, and He honored that! So please if any of you are having second thoughts as to doing what you think God was telling you, do it. If it's God's will you can't go wrong!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Mommy, SweetFace didn't pray for me the right way!"

    Tonight, I asked Sweet Face to help me with bedtime by tucking in Peanut and praying for her. Knowing that Sweet Face is seriously anointed by God, and is always willing to pray over and for people, I expected him to do well.  He always seems to know how to pray and what to pray. He has a real gift. So after he finishes and they stop giggling, he went into his room and tucked himself in. (For the record I don't usually make Sweet Face do my work, there's something wrong with my neck!)
     A few minutes later I hear the sweet chipmunk voice of my little Peanut, "Mommy, SweetFace didn't pray for me the right way." "Well Peanut there is no wrong way to pray as long as it comes from the heart." "All he did was thank God for me, and asked that he would watch over me." She replies. And as I am thinking how that;s pretty much what I do, and it sounds like a good job to me, she says, "I need you to do it the right way." So I tell her to come into my room.
       I explain to her, that what Sweet Face prayed was fine. It doesn't have to be just like my prayer, but if she wants I will pray for her again. She looks at me with that sweet little face, and puts her tiny hand on my neck, and says, "I want to pray for you!" Wow! Of course being the Peanut is only four, I didn't really expect much, but I let her do it. I mean who turns down perfectly good prayer?
       "Father God," she starts off. "We thank you for Mommy, and we ask that you heal her. Take away all of her pain, and make her neck feel better. Give her healing, and make her comfortable, and make her not nauseous. We ask that you be with her, and take away all of her pain, so that she can keep her goodness. Thank you Jesus. In Jesus Name, Amen." As my eyes welled up with tears of pride, I felt it on my heart to talk to Peanut about giving her life to Christ.
        It's strange, because I am usually the first one to say, "Do you really think a kid that age really understands?" But if God tells me something, I do it.. (Some things just take a little longer) So I explained it to her. "Do you know what it means to give your life to Christ?" Peanut shakes her head no. "Well it is when you want Jesus Christ to come into your heart. You decide to let Him be in charge of your life, and you want to follow Him, and listen to His rules forever. It means that you want Him to save you, because sometimes you sin. And sin is when you do something wrong. And if we don't have Jesus Christ, even when we are sorry, we aren't forgiven. It means that you know why he died on the cross, and that you believe it. Do you know why?" She said she did, and then told me, it was so we could go to heaven, so that God could forgive us. "Well does that sound like something you want to do?" "Oh yes, Mommy." "Ok sweet girl, then we will pray together, just say what I say..." I lead her through the prayer, and kept it very simple. I didn't use big words, or get over complicated. We didn't pray for longer than two minuted, if even that, but as we held hands, talked to God, I could feel the Holy Spirit. His presence was so overwhelming, and I cried, and as we closed our prayer, Peanut began to laugh. She laughed, and giggled, and had the biggest smile on her face. She actually seemed to glow. She squeezed my hand and looked up at me with her amazingly big brown eyes, and still giggling said, "Could we do that again?"
          We talked about how great she felt, and I explained why. I then told her a bit about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and as she listened, her eyes twinkled. Once again I felt the Holy Spirit all over us, and could feel Him in the conversation, so we prayed again, only this time we asked the Holy Spirit to come, and to fill Peanut up.
        After we prayed together again, she kissed me on the forehead, and asked Sweet Face if she could pray for him. At first he said no, and she insisted that she needed to so he let her. She came back into my room and told me that she had prayed for Sweet Face in the Spirit, and she wanted to pray for me again before she went to bed. And she did.
         I can say that though the enemy is fighting me on my belief, my little girl seems to have been changed in very little time. I believe that she was saved today, not that I thought she was damned before, but I realize how great it is that these two kids have such a head start on an amazing life. That they will grow up knowing God, and the miracles if Jesus Christ and his name. I believe they will save millions of people and heal nations, with the Holy Spirit.
       I am thankful for the opportunity to raise these two spiritual kids. I always believed I would do something big in my life, and now I know that it was to bring these two into the world, to do the work of God! Praise God, and thank you Jesus.