Thursday, December 15, 2011


I want to a minute to dedicate my blog to becoming more aware of the abuse out there! Signs, and even symptoms of those who are being abused. How to tell if you are beiing abused, and what to do if you suspect yourself of or someone you love is being abused.
Most of us, do not even want to think about it. It is a scary thought and so many of us feel like if we don't acknowledge it, or think about it, it won't happen to us, or we won't ever have to deal with it. But it is real, and there are so many people becoming victims everyday. Some of these stories end well, with inspiring tales that make us feel like we can accomplish anything, but most of the tieme, these stories end fatally. There are no "happy" endings with abuse. It is something that effects us for years.
Being abused, and even loving a victim, can leave damaging scars for a lifetime. It is important recognize the different types, the signs, and it is important to be supportive to the ones we love who are enduring this, and to escape it if it is happening. THis is a serious epedemic, that is sweeping the world! If we can't stop it, let's at least educate ourselves!
This is a topic I feel very strongly about. It effects me in many ways. I have experienced different types of abuse throughout my lifetime, I have witnessed abuse of loved ones. I have also been saved from it, Offered help, and survived. I am luck that I have never feared for my life, or the life of a loved one as a result of my abuse, but none the less, they are memories that will haunt forever! So let's learn what we can!
There are so many types of abuse, I want to list them all. Verbal, Emotional, Financial, Sexual, Physical. Child Abuse, can come in many forms as well; emotional, neglect, physical, and sexual abuse as well.
First I want to talk about verbal abuse. It's like the gateway abuse. That's how it starts, in both cases, most of the time!
Verbal Abuse: (also known as reviling or bullying)is best described as a negative defining statement told to you or about you; or by withholding any response thus defining the target as non-existant. If the abuser doesn't immediately apologize and rarely indulge in a defining statement, the relationship may be a verbally abusive one. cite: "The Verbally Abusive Relationship" 1992, 1996, 2010 by Patricia Evans
Verbal Abuse, the most common form of abuse can happen anywhere, school, home, work, at the grocery store, while driving. (Road rage!)and isn't taken seriously enough! Insults, countering, withholding, name calling, and abusive anger or belittling can be detrimental to a person and his or her self esteem. Chances are all of us have been a victim of verbal abuse, and most of the time we recover. But hearing the same things no matter how positive of a self image we have in the start, begins to wear you down emotionally. If you hear how fat you are day after day, you start to think that you are fat. Or stupid, or to blame. "You can't do better than me!" "You are ugly!" "You are a B***, and no one would put up with you!" When the verbal abuse begins to change your perception of yourself or the things around it is time to put an end to it. (Really, it shouldn't be tolerated in any form, EVER! Relationships should have mutual respect, love and care. No one should be trying to hurt the other, even with words!)
Sometimes verbal abuse comes in threats. Threats of divorce, followed with "You could never live without me!" Threats, and insults usually go hand in hand! Verbal abuse effects everyone. When fathers verbally abuse the mother, the children grow up thinking its ok to treat someone or be treated that way! It leads to depression, anxiety, and fear. It lessons our self worth, and can lead to drug addiction and worse. Stop it, if you are being verbally abused or see someone who is, get help. If you are guilty of doing it, get help.
Sometimes it is easier to say what you are thinking, or when you are hurting, it can feel so good to hurt someone else, with your words. It seems harmless, because after all, no one is getting hurt physically, but the wounds verbal abuse leave take much longer to heal, and can be the beginning of a downward spiral in life! If you were verbally abused, break the cycle, make a difference, and don't continue the tradition! Each individual deserves to be treated with love, and respect.
If you or someone you know is being abused you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE(7233) or TTY 1−800−787−3224.

Be safe!

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