Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Revelations.... Not the book, but the ones that God keeps giving me!

One of my New Year's resolutions was to read a chapter a day of the Bible. Last night as I am reading John, Chapter 8. I think about how awful things had to have been for Jesus. He not only was tormented for who he was, and for what he believed in, but he knew it was all coming.
The minute he met Judas, he knew he was going to betray him in a way that would ultimately cause his death! And yet, Jesus not only befriended him, but made him a disciple. Someone who was very close! He walked into those cities, knowing that he was to be beaten, and spit on, and later killed. To bleed to death. And he did it all in faith.
AS I really meditate on all of this, it comes to me, not only should our goals in life be to be more Christ like in the fact that he was perfect. He lived without sin. Think about that! Without sin. That means never lying, never taking something that he shouldn't have, never swearing, or bad mouthing someone else. He never even complained, never got drunk. Could you imagine living without ANY sin? I can't? I try hard, but so often my human nature, my "EVE" nature wins, and I give into the sin in my life. And because Jesus sacrificed himself knowingly that it was coming, and that I didn't deserve it, I can be forgiven for ALL of my transgressions, so that one day I Can go be with Him in heaven, and spend eternity partying with my creator, and my savior! Pretty Awesome!
And if that wasn't enough, Jesus gives us something so much more. A perfect example of what faith is. Of what it means to walk in it, and to walk in love. Jesus sacrificed his life, his well-being, his comfort, his friendship, his love, knowing what was in store. He continued to forgive, and to love, he healed sinners, and performed miracles for people who didn't even believe in Him. He baptized us, and rose loved ones from the dead, and even after doing this, he was betrayed, not just by Judas, but by mankind. He was made fun of, mocked as they put a crown of thorns on him, bared him of his clothes, and forced him to kneel. He carried his cross, the very thing he was to bleed to death on, on barefoot, to his final place of death. The pain and the agony he must have felt as they drove nails into his wrists, his feet, and then hung by them. And he did it all in faith. Never complaining, never backing down. How many of us second guess God when told to forgive someone who has wronged us, or apologize to someone we have wronged?
The depths of what Jesus really did for us, are never ending. Like the waters of life that he lets flow into our hearts. Not only did he give us the amazing gifts of life, of healing, forgiveness, and eternity, but he also gave us an amazing inspiration, and the perfect example of what it means to walk in Faith, and Love.
Thank you Jesus Christ for saving me from my sins, from transgressions, from myself, and from the Enemy. Thank you for sharing the Word, and enduring so much horribleness, for someone as undeserving of me. Thank you for giving me forgiveness, and showing me what it means to follow you, to strive to be more "Christ-like" Thank you Lord Jesus for your everlasting grace, and for always being faithful! In Jesus' marvelous name... Amen! Do yourself a favor, watch this video, and then take some time for just you and Him, and truly repent, and thank Jesus for all he has done! All the wonderful blessings he has given you!

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