Recently Husband and I had a conversation about how to improve our marriage, and what we needed from each other. I told him that I think it is very important to find out not only who we are as individuals in Christ, but who we are meant to be in our marriage. At a quick glance, it looks like an unfair match, and the husbands win. There are many woman, I( think it is safe to say, most woman) Who have a real issue with the idea of "submitting to your husband" So many people take these verses out of context, and use it in evil ways. What my goal is here, today, is to learn what YOU think submitting to your husband means. What does it mean to you, and your marriage? Of course, all sexes, and marital statuses are welcome! I would truly appreciate it if you left comments on this post for all to see! And it would help me continue my journey, personally, to becoming a better person, wife, and mother! Thank you!
update on comments. I guess it is not so easy to leave any comments, so if you would like to help me, and give me a piece of your advice. Feel free to send me an email. You can email me at Thank you! And God Bless
I honestly think wat Paul is saying that verse is to summit being fully devoted to an respectful to them an treat them as the head of the household. However it doesn't mean they make all desions an u do wat ever the say Cu's that's controlling an God wants us to do things as one I think people get confussed to wat it means an it also in that verse says summit to your husband as u do Christ but husbands love your wives ss Christ loved the church an died for her. Good question Lizzy!
ReplyDeleteMarriage is work. God never intended or said that anything in life was going to be easy. Marriage is no exception. When you commit to being someone's wife, you are vowing before God to love, honor and forever cherish your husband. I believe that it is important to honor God's word in every way. Where this becomes difficult is when both husband and wife are at different crossroads in their spiritual walk. If one is a Christian and another is not, you are to lead by example and pray for that person. If they are a Christian then I think it is important that a man feels he is head of the house. God gave him that role to fill. That does not mean he can trample all over his wife, it just means that the wife needs to respect that the husband is trying to lead the best way he knows how. Nobody is perfect and I think that the movie Fireproof, though a movie is a great example of not giving up when things get tough. The love dare is a great way to respond. John and I have the book and I'll admit we've never done it but I plan on doing so as soon as I find it again. I thing God honors our commitment. :)