Friday, August 10, 2012

Love Liz; with joy

        A few months back, I had posted about getting back into shape, and becoming healthier, which meant losing a few pounds. (About 30, if I am honest) I had great intentions to start back up, and I did for like a minute, then life got a hold of me.
          Well I am back at it. I started a new workout regimen, which I think is actually the old one I talked about. The Couch to 5K, (Click here to check it out: ) My good friend, Deary, and I started two weeks ago. We have been hitting the gym, everyday minus the weekends, and are already seeing results. Not big ones by any means, just a have a waist, and legs seem to be a little more defined. Little things. Let me say before I go any further, that had Deary not buddied up with me, I would have quit last week, when my lungs felt like they were on fire! Today I finished week two. During my first 90 second jog session, I started to develop shin splints, I kept going and the second jog, I got a cramp in my side, my breathe was starting to get heavier, and sweat was pouring off of me, I longed to quit. I didn't think I could make it the full six.
             I began praying in my head. "Lord God, I am doing this for you, I am getting fit because of you. Thank you for getting me through each session, thank you for showing me what I need to do. Lord I know that I am your representative, and I want to make a lsting impression on others. I want people to see me, and know that yes I am for God. Lord, Thank you for the joy I feel when I finish, and thank you for giving me the drive. I am committed to this, like I am committed to you Lord." And before I knew it, I was starting my sixth and final 90 second run. I decided that since next week seemed much harder, that maybe I should try for two full minutes. So I did it, and praised God the entire time. 
            Getting off that treadmill, I felt like two million dollars. I wanted to jump up and down, and shout, "That's right, I am AWESOME!" I have found that, if you really are doing, whatever you are doing for God, then there is joy... How do we make sure we are doing it for Him? Well, while you are doing whatever it is, praise Him. Thank Him, for the food He provided so that you have dishes to do. Thank Him, that you can get up and train on a treadmill. Thank you for the cane He made sure you had to assist you in your walking. Thank Him, that he chose you, that no matter what it is He tells you to do He will give you the strength to do it. Thank Him, that no matter how little or insignificant you feel, or the task He has given you feels, HE gave it to you, He bothered giving you life, and drawing you closer to Him. Praise God, that He loves us enough to make things joyful.
             I look around me so often, and marvel at the beauty of the world around us. The magnificent lightning, or the way the sun peaks out from behind white clouds. The smell of cherry blossom trees, and fresh cut grass. The taste of granny smith apples and the crispness when you bit into them. The feeling you get when you are hugged, or when you love someone. The security you feel wrapped in blankets. There is so much around us, that shows us God''s love, and the everyday tasks, should be just as beautiful. Just knowing that he cared enough about us to show us such beauty should give us unfathomable joy. So as I worked on what I neglected so long (My body) it wasn't hard for me to find joy, even though, it was hard work, and I felt a little gross afterwards.  Praise God, for Joy

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