Wednesday, November 7, 2012

lumpy breasts and scarred cervix

             Yesterday, I called the lady Dr, to make an appointment to have my lumpy breast checked out. At 2:00 I had been squeezed in to get my annual pap smear. (Joy) 
             I go to said appointment and sit in the waiting room for what seems like ten years, searching the room for any information that would tell me for certain if I have breast cancer. When they finally call my name, and embarrass me by making me step onto a scale in the hallway for all to see, my heart began racing and I couldn't catch my breathe. All I wanted was for someone to rub my back and tell me everything was going to be alright. I watched the patients and employees rush back and forth, and wondered how they could keep living life and laugh, while my world was slowly falling apart. 
             In the room where I put on the gorgeous mauve gown that Velcro's in the front, my hands were freezing and my mind was racing. I knew I wasn't going to get any answers right away, but I just wanted it over with so I could get closer. The doctor, who looked like she was eleven, came in and apologized for my wait. We discussed what was happening, and what I found, and she proceeded to do a breast exam. Upon first feel, she stats that she feels the lump, "Right here, right?" "Ah, no," I exclaim, "That isn't the one I felt." She then tells me that my left breast is "pretty lumpy and dense" and moves on to the right. "Oh, this one is smooth, nothing in there!" Great, and she closes my robe... "Wait a minute!" I blurt, "I was more concerned about the lump in my arm pit, how about checking that out!" "Oh, yeah, I can see the difference. Oh, wow, yeah, that definitely is a lump, wow, ok, let's get that checked out!" Oh thank you DR, for not showing any alarm with your words, and tone! 
           We finish up and continue on to my yearly pap smear... She is down there, and says' "It looks like your cervix has had some damage." "What?" "Have you had an abnormal pap before?" "Yeah I had a LEEP procedure done, about six years ago." "oh, that's probably what it is.." Again thanks for the reassurance!
              To make along story short, I walked out of the office with the knowledge that I have lumpy breasts and a battered cervix. I am scheduled to have a diagnostic mammogram, and an ultrasound on my lovely lady lumps, tomorrow morning, with a possible biopsy. I don't know what I will find out, or if I will tomorrow, and I am not positive a biopsy will happen or just a scheduling. I do however, know that everything is going to be alright, no matter what happens, and I am thankful that God is so faithful!


  1. Turn that frown upside down Lizzie Lou. Even when you have days like today. It's not being fake, it's lining your actions up with what God says...

    Matthew 6:25-34 NLT

    You are far more valuable!!!!

  2. I've been thinking about you and praying for you. I hope are doing okay, all things considered.
